
Download quickdraw withgoogle
Download quickdraw withgoogle

download quickdraw withgoogle

Simplify all strokes using the Ramer–Douglas–Peucker algorithm with an epsilon value of 2.0.

download quickdraw withgoogle

Resample all strokes with a 1 pixel spacing.Uniformly scale the drawing, to have a maximum value of 255.Align the drawing to the top-left corner, to have minimum values of 0.The data is exported in ndjson format with the same metadata as the raw format. We've simplified the vectors, removed the timing information, and positioned and scaled the data into a 256x256 region. We've preprocessed and split the dataset into different files and formats to make it faster and easier to download and explore. The raw drawings can have vastly different bounding boxes and number of points due to the different devices used for display and input. x and y are real-valued while t is an integer. Where x and y are the pixel coordinates, and t is the time in milliseconds since the first point. Whether the word was recognized by the game.Ī two letter country code ( ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) of where the player was located.Ī JSON array representing the vector drawingĮach line contains one drawing. The raw data is available as ndjson files seperated by category, in the following format: KeyĬategory the player was prompted to draw. Please keep in mind that while this collection of drawings was individually moderated, it may still contain inappropriate content. We have also released a tutorial and model for training your own drawing classifier on. If you create something with this dataset, please let us know by e-mail or at A.I. We're sharing them here for developers, researchers, and artists to explore, study, and learn from. You can browse the recognized drawings on /data. The drawings were captured as timestamped vectors, tagged with metadata including what the player was asked to draw and in which country the player was located. The Quick Draw Dataset is a collection of 50 million drawings across 345 categories, contributed by players of the game Quick, Draw!.

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